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The distinguishing features between Abraham Maslow\'s hierarchy of needs model and Philip Selznick\'s institutional approach as natural systems perspective theories are (i) Maslow\'s needs theory focuses on the progressive stages of man\'s needs from the most basic physiological need to the most advanced one of self-actualization; whereas Selznick\'s institutional theory is focused on the organization and how rules and norms are established within it. (ii) Maslow\'s needs theory focuses on people whereas Selznick\'s institutional theory focuses on organizational systems.

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Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs focuses on individual psychological needs, progressing from basic physiological needs to self-actualization. In contrast, Philip Selznick's institutional approach emphasizes the social and cultural context in which organizations operate, emphasizing the importance of values and norms within institutions. While Maslow's model is more individual-centric, Selznick's approach is more concerned with the collective behavior and functioning of organizations within broader societal frameworks.

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Q: What are the distinguishing features between Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs model and Philip Selznick's institutional approach as natural systems perspective theories?
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Theory of hierarchy of human needs was developed by who?

Abraham Maslow developed the theory of the hierarchy of human needs. This theory suggests that individuals are motivated to fulfill basic needs before moving on to higher-level needs like self-esteem and self-actualization. Maslow's hierarchy includes physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization needs.

How Thomas L Saaty explained the analytic hierarchy process?

Thomas L. Saaty explained the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a structured method for making complex decisions based on comparing multiple criteria and alternatives. AHP involves breaking down decisions into a hierarchy, assigning weights to criteria and alternatives, and using pairwise comparisons to determine the best option. By using mathematics to quantify subjective judgments, AHP aims to provide a rational and systematic approach to decision-making.

Why do the hierarchy of man's need change according to Abraham Maslow?

Abraham Maslow proposed that human needs are arranged in a hierarchy, with basic physiological needs at the bottom (such as food and water) and higher-level needs at the top (such as self-actualization). As one level of need is satisfied, individuals are motivated to pursue higher-level needs. This hierarchy suggests that people strive for self-fulfillment and personal growth once their basic needs are met.

How many types of hierarchy of learning in Gagne's learning theory?

Gagne's learning theory outlines five types of hierarchies: verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills, and attitudes. Each hierarchy represents a different type of learning outcome and suggests different instructional strategies to achieve mastery.

What is the most important part in Schooled?

In "Schooled" by Gordon Korman, the most important part is when Cap Anderson shares his unique perspective and teaches his classmates important lessons about acceptance, kindness, and being true to oneself. This moment challenges the traditional social hierarchy in the school and leads to a positive transformation in the community.

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