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Burning of fossil fuels releases a lot of pollutants into the atmosphere like sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, etc. which have various environmental effects.

The effects of these pollutants are:

1) They are usually greenhouse gases, and contribute towards Greenhouse Effect. Greenhouse Effect is necessary for life, but because the quantity of greenhouse gases has increased significantly, it is causing a rise in temperature on the Earth's surface (Global Warming), which again has many other effects.

2) Many of these gases have adverse effects on human health and may cause pulmonary or non-pulmonary diseases. A very common one is Asthma, and many people have been fighting this all over the world, including me. Lead, which used to be a component of petrol quite some time back inhibits mental development. Thankfully, almost all the countries have banned petrol with lead and unleaded petrol and diesel have taken it's place.

3) Sometimes, the gases alone are not very harmful but when they are mixed, their potency increases significantly. This effect is known as 'Cocktail Effect'. Like a cocktail is more appealing than just simple beverage (although, some may disagree) these gases in combination are much more harmful than they are alone. Sulphur dioxide exhibits this property, although it is still harmful when not in a 'cocktail'.

These are only a few of the effects of burning fossil fuels, actually there are so many reasons that one could come up with, but these three are the main effects of burning of fossil fuels.

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14y ago

most fossil fuels pollute the air like coal, and once we run out, its gone forever.

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global warming

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