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It is very different with each woman; however, the most common signs are:

  • breast soreness
  • missed periods
  • nausea
  • headache
  • impulse to eat
  • and sometimes your stomach feels sunburned

Some women experience these at first and some don't; it all depends on your body. Contact your doctor if there is a possibility of being pregnant. It's better safe than sorry!

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10y ago

There are eight common early signs of pregnancy. They are fatigue, food aversions, unexplained nausea and vomiting, breast swelling and tenderness, frequent urination, shortness of breath and other physical changes that can be found during a pelvic exam.

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Q: What are the first pregnancy symptoms that you will notice?
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What month of pregnancy could possible the pregnancy symptoms starts?

well pregnancy symptoms can start prior to period. 1week before your period symptoms may be seen. fatigue,nausea,frequent urination are the signs you can notice.

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technically you are not pregnant until implantation has taken place. in the first week of pregnancy you do not notice anything. implantation bleeding and a missed period are the first symtoms of a pregnancy and in some cases morning sickness or the urge for more sleep. other then that the changes to a woman's body take place later on.

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No it is far to early to say anything about pregnancy in the first week.

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No, it is completely normal to not get any pregnancy symptoms during the first trimester. Some women never get any pregnancy symptoms, while others get every symptom known to man.

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What are some pregnancy symptoms and signs?

Pregnancy signs and symptoms are different from person to person. Of course, a missed menstrual period is a major sign. Some women notice breast tenderness and feelings of nausea as well.

Would you know if you are pregnant the first mouth?

Lots of times a woman who has already had a baby will recognize little things before she has missed a period. Not always though, as each pregnancy can be completely different. Otherwise a first pregnancy is usually found only after a period or sometimes two are missed. Pregnancy causes hormone levels to rise and give woman the signs of pregnancy. Most woman who aren't trying to get pregnant don't notice the early symptoms and often there are no symptoms in the first weeks.

When is pregnancy symptoms begin?

the pregnancy symptom has beginning about 3days after. first you must check tester

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It is morning sickness, and vomiting.

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