

What are the fnes for you smoking underage?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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I am quite sure that there is no charge for this. It is illegal to obtain tobacco products for minors, but that's about it.

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Q: What are the fnes for you smoking underage?
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Can you get arrested if your underage and someone has a picture of you smoking?

Maybe, if a police officer sees it.

What happens if I don't pay my underage smoking ticket?

You go to Jail and trial

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Smoking is bad regardless of when you start smoking. And the longer you smoke the worse it is for you health.

Is there any punishment for underage smoking in the UK?

Yes - getting lung cancer at an early age.

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Depends on the airline. If you are flying Delta, then definitely not, and usually not if your underage. Most airlines don't allow smoking at all on their planes, so find a plane that allows smoking, then you should be good.

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The legal smoking age in Tennessee is 18 can you get a ticket for under age smoking?

Yes, if you are under the legal smoking age of 18 in Tennessee and are caught smoking, you can receive a ticket or citation for underage smoking. It is illegal for individuals under the legal smoking age to possess or use tobacco products in many states, including Tennessee.

What could the cops do if your parents turn you in for underage smoking cigarettes?

If your parents turn you in for underage smoking, the police may talk to you and your parents to understand the situation. They may issue a warning, ask you to attend counseling, or contact other agencies for support. The consequences will depend on the laws in your area and the circumstances of the situation.