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* Peter Pevensie is the oldest of the Pevensie siblings. He doesn't believe Lucy's talk of seeing Aslan at first, but later, Aslan appears and he apologizes. * Susan Pevensie is the second oldest of the Pevensie children. She doesn't believe Lucy's talk of seeing Aslan at first, but later, Aslan appears and she apologizes. * Edmund Pevensie is the third Pevensie child. He believes Lucy and follows her, mentioning that in their first adventure they didn't believe her and she turned out to be right. * Lucy Pevensie is the youngest Pevensie child. Lucy is the first to see Aslan again. * Aslan The creator of Narnia * Prince Caspian is the true king of Narnia. Caspian reappears (as King Caspian) in the two following books in the series: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Silver Chair and makes a brief appearance in the end of The Last Battle. * Miraz is Caspian's uncle, and technically only Regent while Caspian is underage, though he plans to usurp the throne for himself and his heirs. He tolerates Caspian only so long as he (Miraz) has no children of his own, as he needs an heir to the throne. He dies when stabbed in the back by Lord Glozelle during his duel with Peter. * Queen Prunaprismia is Caspian's aunt. * Doctor Cornelius is Caspian's tutor, and also aids in the Narnians' defeat of the Telmarines. * Trumpkin is a red-Dwarf who helps Caspian defeat Miraz. When he is captured by Miraz's soldiers and taken to Cair Paravel in exile, he meets the Pevensie children and leads them to Caspian. * Nikabrik is a black-Dwarf in Caspian's army. Though at first not wanting to fight alongside Caspian he changes his mind. He wants to fight Miraz by calling up the White Witch, with the black magic of a hag and a werewolf. However, he, the hag and the werewolf are killed. * Trufflehunter is a badger who aids Caspian in his struggle. He helps Caspian and saves him from the storm in the forest by taking him in to his den. * Reepicheep is a heroic mouse who uses his sword to fight along side the good guys

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2mo ago

Prince Caspian is a main character in "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" because he plays a pivotal role in the story as the heir to the Narnian throne. His quest to overthrow his tyrannical uncle, King Miraz, drives much of the plot and introduces the Pevensie siblings back into the world of Narnia. Caspian's character also symbolizes themes of courage, leadership, and reclaiming one's rightful place.

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14y ago

The main (or at least significant) characters in "Prince Caspian" are: * Aslan * Prince Caspian * The four Pevensie children - Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy * Reepicheep * Miraz * Dr Cornelius * Trufflehunter * Trumpkin * Nikabrik

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14y ago

Prince Caspian, Peter, Susan, Edmond and Lucy.

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12y ago

Aslan is the main character, being the only one that appeared in all seven of the Narnia Chronicles.

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13y ago

Because it is mostly about him.

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Prince Caspian

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The second movie in the Chronicles of Narnia series is "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian," which was released in 2008. It follows the Pevensie siblings as they return to Narnia to help Prince Caspian reclaim his rightful place as the king of Narnia.

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