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G major: G A B C D E F# G

A minor: A B C D E F G A

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Q: What are the notes G major and A minor on keyboard?
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What key signiture has a D F G A?

both C major, and it's relative minor, A minor, contain the notes D, F, G, and A.

What are the notes to it soon be done on keyboard?

The notes to It soon be done on keyboard are DB G B D G B A G B C# .

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the notes are g a#g a# g f a# c d c a a#

What does music key refer to?

The key of the song refers to what notes are being played. For example: If a song contains the notes E, F♯, G, A, B, C, and D then the song is in the key of E minor. The chords A minor, F major, G major and C major could be in 2 keys; A minor and C major and both keys contain the notes A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. If you were to play a scale in A minor, the first note would be an A, if you were to play a C major scale, the first note would be a C.

What are the notes for the E chord?

The E-major triad is composed of an E, a G#, and a B. To make this chord minor, flat the G#.

What are five sharps in music?

The five black notes in the keyboard can be written as C#, D#, F#, G# and A#. Theoretically, any note has a sharp, a semitone higher pitch. In fact B# and E# are white notes, C and F respectively.

What are the notes in the A chord?

A major: A, C#, E, A A minor: A, C, E, A A7: A, C#, E, G

What are the three notes that make up D major?

C Major chord = C E G

What notes are in e major?

E Major has a relative key of C Sharp Minor and has keys of : F# C# G# D#

What notes are played in a g minor chord?

G minor is G, B-flat, and D.

What is the relative minor of g major?

E Minor is the relative minor to G Major.

What is the difference between major and minor triads in music?

Major triads are made up of three notes; a major third interval followed by a minor third interval. An example of the C major triad is C E G. A minor triad has a minor third interval followed by a major third interval, such as C E Flat G.