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they dont want dem suckin der headlights

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Q: What are the reasons why some mothers choose to use the bottle than breast feed their babies?
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Why shouldn't babies be bottle fed?

It's unhealthy. If babies are breast fed they will have a better immune system. Also using the bottle to long will cause teeth to separate.

What should you do if puppies are not feeding evenly on their mothers breast?

i am not sure but i think u need to make him drink from a bottle of milk (like babies)

Why do babies grave there mothers breast?

Babies CRAVE their mothers milk because they want what is best for them. Breast milk is uniquely superior to any other food source. It is specifically tailored to their individual changing needs. A mother's breast also provides something that no plastic feeding bottle can do. Her breast is alive, warm, comforting and builds a bond between mother and child that pays dividends for years to come. Babies crave their mother's breast because they need the very best.

Why do tiger babies suckle?

Tiger babies suckle milk from their mothers.

How do babies eat?

Human babies need breast feeding or formula in a bottle.

Why should mothers breastfeed new born babies?

Mothers pass on immunity to diseases through their breast milk. So it is best if a mother can breast feed.

What are the advantages of bottle-feeding?

Babies are fatty. Breast are in shape and size.

What reasons would a 4 month old refuse to breast feed?

From the breast or a bottle?

How often do you feed babies?

Depends if breast or bottle--breast every 1-2and a half hours. Bottle every 2-3 hours.

Can you bottle feed a newborn in the hospital?

Premature babies in incubators may be bottle fed, with the mother's milk being drawn off by a suction device and placed in a bottle. Or, if the mother is unable to produce milk, other nursing mothers may donate some of their breast milk. It is considered important that new born babies are given breast milk, at least for the first few feeds, due to the natural antibodies the milk contains.

Do babies use the buccinator?

Yes they do. It is important for efficient sucking on breast and bottle.

Is it bad for babies to be bottle fed?

No because if the mother does not want to breast feed or can't some moms can't breast feed they can bottle feed so it is not bad.