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Okay, so I have a feeling that you probably don't attend church very much, so I am going to give them to you straight from the Bible. I don't like to think of them as requirements, because when I do it feels like more of a religion than a relationship with Jesus Christ. We in the holiness church world believe that a person can be saved (the term is used to define a person redeemed or cleansed from all sin or unrighteousness) by three simple steps. If you only are serious about this.

1. Admit that you are a sinner.

2. Believe on Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and that he can cleanse you from all sin.

3 Confess your sins to Him.

John:16 "For God so loved the world He gave His one & only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life."

You need to have faith that God sent His Son to die so that we can stand before God in Heaven & Him NOT SEE any sin in us at all, only seeing us as fully Holy & Righteous as His Son! Thank You Father

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8y ago

OpinionThe Bible is the Christians authority and The Bible tells us that there is a heaven (as well as a hell). From the Bible we learn that in order to go to heaven we have to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that there is no other way. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Personally I believe the Bible. If you don't what alternative do you have. You will have to take you chances. I surely would not want to work my way into heaven. I would not want to rely on my being "good" enough to go to heaven. God has made it simple for us to go to heaven, "only believe".

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The first and most obvious requirement is that there really is a heaven, an as yet unproven belief.
If there is a heaven, I think the next requirement is that the person have been of good character and have led an ethical and moral life. I find it difficult to believe that a God capable of creating heaven would be at all concerned with whether the person believed in him, so I do not think this would be a requirement.

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