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Spiders and bees are alike because they both have atleast two body parts (head, and the thorax).

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Q: How are spiders and bees alike?
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Do bees eat spiders?

If one got caught in a web. Spiders do not eat big, black bees, unless if it is a tarantula.Yes, they will if they catch them.

Q How are fish and bees alike It a joke?

Fish and bees are alike in the sense that they are all obtained by fishing.

How are beetles and spiders different?

Beetles have 6 legs and wings. Spiders have 8 legs and no wings.

What bugs are poisonious?

Bumble bees, carpenter bees, paper wasps, yellow jackets, honey bees, Africanized honey bees, (There are 7 species of honey bees ), fire ants, harvester ants, army ants, (about 10,000 species of ants), Black widow spiders, tarantulas, wolf spiders, brown recluse spiders, hobo spiders, yellow sac spiders, banana spiders, funnel-web spiders, white tailed spiders, six-eyed crab spiders, scorpions, some caterpillars are venomous to touch. Hope that helped some.......(there is many more)

Have spiders been known to eat bees?

Yes, spiders eat bees.Specifically, spiders are arachnids. They include among their prey insects such as bees. Bing-ing or yahoo-ing "bee-eating spiders" will bring forth images of crab, funnel and green lynx spiders devouring dead and live bees.

Are bees more like spiders or beetles?

more like Spiders

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scorpions bees Spiders hornets wasps ticks millipedes centipedes

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How are gorillas and bees alike?

They are not alike one, one is an insect the other a mammal - a primate.

Does carpenter bees and blackjack bees look alike?

Yes. They look alike but aren’t the exact same. If you look, there are tiny details that are different that your miss.

Who would win 147 ants vs 3 bees vs 999 spiders?

the 999 spiders