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There are no reliable symptoms to use when HIV is concerned. The only way a person knows if they are infected is to get tested. There are a variety of testing options in the United States and abroad. If you are having trouble locating resources feel free to message me and I would be happy to assist.

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Q: What are the stage two symptoms of HIV?
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Describes the symptoms of HIV infection in the asymptomatic stage?

In the earliest stage of an HIV infection the symptoms are identical to the flu, but once it enters the asymptomatic stage there are no symptoms until it becomes active again and the immune system begins to fail. That is why it is called the asymptomatic stage (i.e. without symptoms).

What are primary stage symptoms of HIV infected persons?

HIV infection has basically four stages: incubation period, acute infection, latency stage and AIDS. The initial incubation period upon infection is asymptomatic and usually lasts between two and four weeks. The second stage, acute infection, which lasts an average of 28 days and can include symptoms such as fever, lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes), pharyngitis (sore throat), rash, myalgia (muscle pain), malaise, and mouth and esophageal sores. The latency stage, which occurs third, shows few or no symptoms and can last anywhere from two weeks to twenty years and beyond. AIDS, the fourth and final stage of HIV infection shows as symptoms of various opportunistic infections.

Can you have HIV symptoms but not have HIV?

Yes. Most of the time people who are infected with HIV have no outward signs or symptoms.

What is the definition of asymptomatic stage?

A point in a disease process where no symptoms are present. Example: During initial infection with HIV ( the virus that causes AIDS) there is an initial asymptomatic stage where the individual experiences no signs or symptoms of HIV. Once the virus destroys the immune system enough, symptoms begin too occur such as becoming sick frequently or night sweats.

Can you have symptoms of hiv and it not be hiv at all?

You are correct. The early symptoms of HIV infection are like the flu.

When does symptoms of HIV start to appear?

Usually after two to four weeks.

Can the symptoms of HIV occur in a day?

Symptoms of HIV can not occur in 1 day.

What is hiv carier?

An HIV carrier is someone who has HIV but does not have symptoms of the disease. Because HIV infection is frequently without symptoms, routine screening is important.

What is the advanced stage of hiv infection?

Advanced stage of HIV infection is AIDS.

Aids is the third stage of HIV?

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is not a stage of HIV infection, but rather a diagnosis given to an HIV+ person who has reached a certain level of decreased immune function. The AIDS diagnosis is based on the health of a person's immune system, not the amount of virus in the body.

Is full blown AIDS worse than HIV?

Technically, they are the same things. HIV is what you have when you have more than 200 t cells still in your body. Once you have less than 200 t cells, you are classified as having AIDS. So technically, yes, AIDS is worse than HIV, as HIV is only the beginning stage.

How long does it take for HIV symptoms to start showing?

How long does it take for HIV symptoms to start showing