

What are the three economic goals?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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The three economic goals are Economic Efficiency (maximize production with resources available without overproduction), Economic Growth (must grow to keep up with population and increase standard of living), and Economic Stability (stable prices and decreased frequency of 'shocks').

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Q: What are the three economic goals?
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What are the economic goals?

The three economic goals are Economic Efficiency (maximize production with resources available without overproduction), Economic Growth (must grow to keep up with population and increase standard of living), and Economic Stability (stable prices and decreased frequency of 'shocks').

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The three economic goals are Economic Efficiency (maximize production with resources available without overproduction), Economic Growth (must grow to keep up with population and increase standard of living), and Economic Stability (stable prices and decreased frequency of 'shocks').

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Its answer is based on the importance it attaches to various economic goals and societal values.

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Its answer is based on the importance it attaches to various economic goals and societal values.

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Fairness, Productivity, and Economic Prosperity. There are more, but since you asked for three, there you go.

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Economic Growth