

What are the wages for a vet and a vet's assistant?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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the standard vet gets about 72.000 a year

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Q: What are the wages for a vet and a vet's assistant?
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What do you call a person that assist a veterinarian at the vets office?

This would be either a vet tech or a vet assistant.

Which is harder a vet or a vet's assistant?

Well my aunt was a vet assistant and she said it would be harder to be a vet because you have to see what the animals have like different kinds of diseases and a vet assistant would have to call the patients to the checkup room Or make appointments with people that need vets. I Hoped This Helped You!

What are the work hours for a vet assistant?

Most vets are open some evenings and weekend days.

Can you get a job with animals?

Well you could be a vet with some college, but that would take a while. You could be an animal conrol officer or a vets assistant.

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It varies from vet to vet.

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Veterinary assistants almost always work at veterinary clinics, so you would have to be hired at a vet clinic.

How old do you have to be to be a vets assistant?


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ask your vet.

What kinds of different vets are there?

vet technicians

What is the answer to the brain teaser VET VET?

The answer might be "to vet", as in there are two vets, but meaning "to check the suitability of someone or something".

What is the entry wage for a vets in NC?

a vet shop

How much money does a veterinary assistant earn in Alabama?

A veterinary assistant is the entry-level position in a vet clinic; average pay would be $8-10 per hour with annual wages depending upon the number of hours worked.