

What art did the Assyrians have?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What art did the Assyrians have?
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What are facts about Assyrians culture?

Sculpture and art :)

What ways did the Assyrians simply copy what other had accomplished?

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Assyrian civilization was which choice - passive artistic vile or just?

Answer: Vile. The Assyrians raped, pillaged, burned, and massacred all non-Assyrians who resisted their advance and even some who did not. They were certainly not passive, as the Assyrians were a militaristic empire. They could be considered artistic in that they made artworks, especially statues, but they were not known for their art or culture like the Greeks were. They were certainly not just since they were incredibly ethnicist and repressive.

Who rebelled the Assyrians?

The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.

Who were the Assyrians?

The Assyrians were an ancient people who occupied much of present day Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria.Around 850 BC they acquired a large empire. They had highly advanced military organization and state of the art weaponry for the time. Assyria was the greatest power in South West Asia. Sennacherib was one of Assyrians kings.The Assyrians accomplished many things throughout history including the development of sophisticated trade networks, the use of the wheel, writing (cuneiform), ziggurats (pyramids), and calenders.

The who rebelled against the Assyrians?

The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.

Who rebeled against Assyrians?

The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.

Was Aristotle was captured by the Assyrians?

No he was never captured by the Assyrians

When were the Assyrians?

assyrian caravans were in 1600 B.C. and they were used by Assyrians

Who rebelled against the Assyrians?

The Chaldeans rebelled against the Assyrians.