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Clicking sounds when you walk can be many things, when your ankle clicks when you walk sometimes for example - this is gas making the sound and not bones cracking

When a pelvis is out of alignment, the spine is out of alignment. When the spine is our of alignment, there are adverse effects on the neurological system, For example, nerves entering and exiting the spine may be compressed and thus unable to perform their function to the full extent. Circulation and metabolism will be affected, and digestion and elimination can suffer. Legs will be thrown out of alignment, potentially causing knee and ankle problems. More weight will be placed on one hip than the other, causing more "wear and tear".

You should go and see your Dr for a full evaluation, X-Rays and a MRI scan, should your Dr require this. Cod Liver Oil is also supposed to be a great help for joints, to help keep you supple.

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I strongly suggest you go to your Chiropractor. Sounds like you might have a slipped disc. Never have a Chiropractor work on you without an x-ray done first as the spine is a fragile thing. If the Chirporactor tells you they can feel it, insist on that x-ray.

It may be some spinal instability due to weak muscles in the back and stomach. If it's ok with your doctor, try some core stabilization exercises like pilates with a certified instructor, or work with a physical therapist.

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Q: What can be done about a clicking sound in the lower spine that occurs when you walk?
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