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Temperature, pressure, and water availability. For example, if you decrease temperature, the air cannot hold as much water vapor, this is the main cause of dew in the morning. If you add a large supply of water, like a lake, into a desert region the air can act like a sponge.

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Q: What causes changes in the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere?
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What causes classifying clouds to vary?

the shape and height causes it to vary with temperature,pressure,and the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere

What is the amount of water in the atmosphere?

The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere varies from place to place. Humidity is the term used to describe the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere.

What do you call the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere?

Relative humidity the exact amount of water vapor in the atmosphere (specific humidity)

'how does the amount of water vapor vary in the atmosphere?

Geathen rocks

The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is known as what term?


What caused water to turn into vapor water?

Water vapors makes up only a few percent of the mass of the atmosphere. However, this small amount of water vapor has in oceans and water bodies changes to a gas, water vapor. The mount of water vapor in the air is called humidity

The total amount of water vapor per cubic meter in the atmosphere at sea level is approximately?

The amount of water vapor per cubic meter in the atmosphere as sea level is 30g/m3.

Does global warming result from human actions that increase amount of water vapor in atmosphere?

No, global warming results from humans increasing the amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. There is a certain amount of water vapor in the atmosphere that remains fairly constant and is part of the natural water cycle. In other words, human actions can not increase the water vapor in the atmosphere.

Why doesn't the water vapor rise above these other gases to a higher level of the atmosphere?

The cool atmosphere condenses the rising water vapor and causes it to fall back to Earth

Is used to measure the amount of the water vapor in the atmosphere?


What processes return water vapor to the atmosphere?

The main processes that return water vapor to the atmosphere are evaporation and transpiration. Evaporation occurs when liquid water changes into water vapor from sources such as oceans, lakes, and rivers. Transpiration is the process through which plants release water vapor from their leaves into the atmosphere. Both of these processes contribute to the water cycle by replenishing the atmosphere with water vapor.

Which gas in the atmosphere has the most influence one day-to-day weather changes?

water vapor