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Q: What change is occurring within the atomic nuclei from left to right across a period?
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Is radioactive decay internal or external?

internal, it is a process occurring inside atomic nuclei.

How do some nuclei change?

Atomic nuclei are changed by nuclear reactions or radioactive disintegration.

What determines the amount of energy an electrons has?

distance from the atomic nuclei


A stable subatomic particle occurring in all atomic nuclei, with a positive electric charge equal in magnitude to that of an electron, but of opposite sign

What is protan?

A proton is a stable subatomic particle occurring in all atomic nuclei, with a positive electric charge equal in magnitude to that of an electron, but of opposite sign.

Is atomic nuclei required in a chemical reaction?

No, atomic nuclei is not required for a chemical reaction.

What the combining of atomic nuclei is?

The combination of two light atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus is called fusion.

What form of energy that holds atomic nuclei together called?

The strong force holds atomic nuclei together.

How has basic knowledge about atomic nuclei been used in technology?

Knowledge about atomic nuclei has been used to produce energy.

Which of these is a particle in atomic nuclei?


Are atomic nuclei very dense?

No .

Atomic bomb energy is released by?

Fission and/or fusion of atomic nuclei.