

What color fur does a white bear have?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What color fur does a white bear have?
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What is the real color of a polar bear?

Typically white if you are talking fur. If you're talking about the fur, it is a standard peach color.

What color is the polar bear's outer layer of fur?


The is the color of a polar bear's fur? not white, but clear lol

How does a polar bear's color help it?

The color of the fur to the human eye is white. Because of this, they can blend into their habitat and not get hurt.

What is the color of the bear's fur?

depends on the bear

Is a polar bear's fur white or transparent?

The fur is transparent but appears white.

Is a polar bear's fur white?

No. polar bears have clear fur. not white

How do the outer coverings of the polar bear and penguin help them to keep warm?

the polar bear has black skin and white fur. the black color absorbs heat, but the white color reflects heat. so when the polar bear gives off heat from its body, the white fur reflects the heat back to the skin and the black skin absorbs the heat, keeping the bear warmer. Same thing goes to the penguin.

What color of fur is the southern bear?

there is the Black and the Brown bear

What are facts about a polar bear?

Polar bears are not really white. Their fur is clear. The color we see is due to the reflection of light.

How does a polar bears skin color help it to survive in cold winter?

White fur is harder to see against a background of white snow. And since polar bears hunt seals, it is to their advantage to be able to sneak up on seals without being seen too helps it camouflage in the snow

Does the fur of a polar bear change color with its surroundings if so should the polar bears on the tv show lost have been green instead of white?

In fact, a polar bear's fur is almost transparent, and their skin is actually black.To answer your question, the fur looks white mainly because of the snowy surroundings, yes, but it wouldn't look green. Their fur usually looks white or brown.