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The complication leading to the killing of Nag is when Nag sneaks into Rikki-Tikki-Tavi's house to kill his family.

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Q: What complication follows the killing of nag in Rikki tikki tavi?
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What is a complication in Rikki tikki tavi?

when nag fights rikki.

In Rikki-tikki-tavi how Rikki-tikki-tavi save Teddy's life?

By killing Nag and eventually Nagaina.

What causes the war in Rikki - Tikki -Tavi the animal story?

Nag ate Darzee's egg causing Rikki-tikki-tavi to be in war with him. After killing Nag, it upseted Nagina, and then Rikki-tikki-tavi fought with her.

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rikki tikki is the protagonist because he is the main charactor in the story but also the bad guy by killing nag and nagiana.

Does nagaina deserve any sympathy or mercy in Rikki tikki?

I think Nagaina deserves no mercy because she plans to get revenge on Rikki-tikki for killing her husband

What are Three events that lead to the climax in Rikki-tikki?

Three events that lead to the climax in "Rikki-tikki-tavi" are: Rikki-tikki's discovery of Nag and Nagaina's plot to harm the family, the initial confrontation between Rikki-tikki and Nag, and the final battle between Rikki-tikki and Nagaina inside their burrow.

What is the flashback of Rikki tikki tavi?

In the story "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling, there is no explicit flashback. The tale follows the adventures of a brave mongoose named Rikki-Tikki-Tavi as he protects his human family from dangerous cobras in their garden.

Who solved the conflict in Rikki Tikki Tavi?

rikki-tikki-tavi who solved the conflict by killing nag and nagaina and karait to make safely life for the people and the animal.

Why do you suppose Rikki-tikki does not want Darzee to sing of Nag's defeat?

Rikki-tikki does not want Darzee to sing of Nag's defeat because it could attract the attention of Nagaina, Nag's mate, who may seek revenge on Rikki-tikki for killing Nag. Rikki-tikki knows that remaining discreet and not drawing attention to his actions is key to his safety.

What is the basic situation of Rikki tikki tavi?

"Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" is a short story by Rudyard Kipling about a young mongoose named Rikki-Tikki who is adopted by a British family living in India. He protects the family from dangerous cobras Nag and Nagaina who threaten their safety. The story follows Rikki-Tikki's bravery and cunning as he battles the cobras to keep his family safe.

What is the rising af Rikki tikki tavi?

The rising action is: -When Rikki tikki arrives at the house -When Rikki tikki first meets Darzee and Nag and bites Nagaina -When Rikki tikki kills Karait -When Rikkki tikki kills Nag -When Rikki tikki crushes and bites all of Nagaina's eggs but one The Climax is: -When Rikki tikki chases Nagaina into the hole and kills her and her last egg Falling Action: -The coppersmith tells everyone about Rikki tikki and the family admires him for killing all the snakes and saving their lives Resolution: - The bird tells all the animals from different gardens and they all celbrate the death of nag and nagina.

Who are the innocent victoms in Rikki tikki?

Rikki tikki is of course.