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Q: What did Freud believe about preschool boys?
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What did Freud believe to be the most important influence on personality?

Freud believed that early childhood experiences, particularly those related to sexuality and aggression, were the most important influences on personality development. He emphasized the role of unconscious processes in shaping personality and behavior.

What Sigmund Freud believe cause phobias?

Freud believed unconscious desires caused phobias.

Why doesn't sigmund freud ever smile?

Sigmund Freud is often depicted as stern or serious in photographs because he believed in maintaining a professional demeanor in public. However, there are records of him smiling and expressing humor in more casual settings with friends and family.

What did Sigmund Freud believe caused phobias?

Sigmund Freud believed that phobias were caused by repressed emotions or memories from childhood, leading to anxiety and irrational fear towards specific objects or situations. He suggested that phobias could be a result of unresolved conflicts between the conscious and unconscious mind.

What stage do boys desire their mothers according to Freud?

According to Freud's psychosexual development theory, boys experience the Oedipus complex during the phallic stage (ages 3-6). During this stage, boys desire their mothers and view their fathers as rivals for their mother's affection.

Why did Freud disowned Jungs ideas of the collective unconscious?

Freud rejected Jung's concept of the collective unconscious because it diverged from his own emphasis on personal experiences and repressed desires shaping an individual's psyche. Freud believed that focusing on universal archetypes and shared experiences detracted from the importance of personal development and the individual's unique experiences. This fundamental difference in perspective led Freud to disown Jung's ideas and eventually part ways.

How did Freud's students view his beliefs?

Freud's earliest students, including Carl Jung and Alfred Adler, came to believe that Freud had overestimated the influence sexuality had on psychic development, and found other influences that helped to shape the personality.

Do boys believe in love?

ALOT of boys believe in LOVE. Other boys don't because they are jealous or they never had the LOVE experience. No boys do not believe in love men believe in love if they don't they are not technically men.

What does freud believe the dreams of adults can be traced back to?

Freud believed that the dreams of adults can be traced back to unconscious desires, conflicts, and repressed memories from childhood. He saw dreams as a way for the unconscious mind to express these hidden thoughts and wishes.

Did Freud believe that with insight and emotion release his patients symptoms would disappear?

Yes, Freud believed that through gaining insight into unconscious conflicts and expressing repressed emotions, his patients could alleviate symptoms. This process, known as psychoanalysis, aimed to bring repressed thoughts and feelings into conscious awareness to promote healing and symptom relief.

Freud has Oedipus complex for boys elektra complex for girls what is the complex of the parents for their children?

It's called incestous pedophilia

What conclusion did Freud reach from the Greek mythology of King Oedipus?

That all boys have a stage in childhood when they have a sexual desire for their mother.