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2979 AD. 2979 AD.

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Q: What did the great pyramids predict the world would end?
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At what time did the great pyramids predict the world will end?

They never did, they are buildings. That's like saying the WTC could have been used to predict that 9/11 would happen. People make predictions.

What would be a quicker project to do a ziggurats or the great pyramids?

definitly the great pyramids!

Where would you find perimids?

You can find pyramids in various countries around the world, such as Egypt, Mexico, and Sudan. The most famous pyramids are located in Giza, Egypt, including the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Why were step pyramids connected to the development of the Great Pyramid?

The step pyramids were like practice pyramids. They were getting the engineering down and the "how to". I doubt that without them they would have been able to engineer the Great Pyramid.

Who made the great pyramids of egypt?

if i know why would i be asking u

Why did the pharaohs build great temples and pyramids in acint Egypt?

Pharaohs built great temples and pyramids so when past they would have a place to lay rest or be remembered by.

Why did Egyptian build great pyramids for their rulers?

They built the pyramids because pharaohs believed they would rule their land after their death so they built themselves magnificent tombs . These tombs are the huge pyramids .

Why did the Egyptians build great pyramids for their rulers?

They built the pyramids because pharaohs believed they would rule their land after their death so they built themselves magnificent tombs . These tombs are the huge pyramids .

What are theories of the Great Pyramids construction?

One is that they would play notes on instruments to summon the Martians.

Did the mayans predict 911? a way they kinda did, the predicted that great birds would destroy a great city (birds-plains,great city-NY) i dont think that the world is gonna end tho

How many times did people predict that the world would end?

2 times

Why were the Great Pyramids designed to be shaped as a pyramid instead of another shape?

it would mean a step to heaven