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Asteroids are mass of earth or rock about the size ranging from 1 km to even 500 km. Meteorites are smaller than asteroids.

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Q: What difference do asteroids have from other space components?
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What things have been found in space?

planet, asteroids and other materials

What do you call the asteroids that wander in space?


Does space junk interact with asteroids?

This would happen, space junk could collide with asteroids, but most space junk is close to the earth, away from the main asteroid belt. It would be more likely to collide with meteroids and other bits of space junk.

Do stars become asteroids in space?

Stars are tremendously larger than asteroids and do not become asteroids.

What is the difference between earth and universe?

simply,the difference is that earth is a planet in the solar system and the universe is the entire infinite space containing the solar system,stars, asteroids ,black holes and all that space has to offer.

Are Saturn's rings composed of dried lava?

No. It is made up of asteroids and other space matter.

One hypothesis to explain what asteroids really are?

One hypothesis is that asteroids are remnants from the early solar system's formation, made up of rock, metal, and other minerals. These objects may have never fully developed into planets due to gravitational interactions with larger bodies. Another hypothesis is that asteroids could be fragments from larger celestial bodies that broke apart due to collisions or other disturbances in space.

Why do some asteroids tumble end over through space?

Just about any object in space will rotate - not just asteroids.

How are asteroids and comments different?

asteroids are from space and a comment is something someone says

What does the Andromeda galaxy consist of?

The same as all the other galaxies.Black holes, Stars, Planets, Asteroids, Comets and other space material. Maybe even space junk!!

What are the asteroids and where are they found in the solar system?

Asteroids are are big rocks floating in space. alot of asteroids can be found in the asteroid belt

What does asteroids mean in science?

its a big flying rock in space that came from other plantes when the universe was created