

What do puffins like to eat the most?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What do puffins like to eat the most?
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Who eats puffins?

puffins eat small fish like sand eels.

Do killer whales eat puffins?

killer whales do eat puffins killer whales do eat puffins

Do seals eat puffins?

Yes, seals eat puffins.

Do puffins like other puffins?

Most of the time, unless two male puffins are fighting over females or food.

How do large gulls eat puffins or puffin eggs?

Large puffins cannot eat puffins or puffin eggs. They do scare puffins and annoy them but only to make them drop their fish that they have caught. They really do not eat the puffins; they just want the fish that they have caught.

Do puffins eat sharks?

Sharks will eat puffins if they get a chance to do so. Since puffins swim and dive in the ocean when hunting for food, they are easy prey for nearby sharks.

What animals eat puffins?

puffin's may be eaten by a falcon or an eagle.

Do tufted puffins eat other birds?

No. Puffins eat small fish.

Do you like puffins?

You should like puffins. They are very cute.

Does puffin eat a mouse?

Puffins are not known to eat mice. Their diet consists mainly of fish, as well as worms, crustaceans, shrimp, and mollusks.

Do mice eat birds?

Well, it depends what type of mouse you're talking about but most puffins eat small fish.

Can penguins and puffins be in the same cage?

They can, it's not like they will eat eachother. it's perfectly safe to put the penguins and puffins in the same cage as long as they have enough space