

What do scientology people do after life?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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They do what they have decided to do, what they have trained themselves to do.

In this sense it is no different than anyone else.

Here are two examples: First; If a play has three acts, and in the first act the leading character is the President, you would expect him to also be the President in acts 2 and 3. Right? But what is he when the play ends? Or before it starts? He is just the person he always was, an actor. In the play he did what he decided to do and trained himself to that character, the President. Now as a person he does what he decided to do as a person, and what he has trained himself to do.

Second example: In Scientology a person might come to realize he is an immortal person separate from a body. He makes decisions about this and trains himself to do some things. So then he views himself as a spiritual being with a body. Now we can look again at the idea of a play with three acts. Act one; The person before he had this body, this life. Act two; The person with this living body. And Act three, the person after this life. One of the things he had decided and trained himself to do in Act one was to want a body. Like the actor that played a President, he prepared for the part then plays the part. The person plays the part of 'being human', or 'human being'. Now while being human he might decide or train himself to look at life from his own viewpoint, rather than from the viewpoint of a human body only. He might decide to control his own destiny after the body dies. He might decide to have or regain abilities that a body can not have. He could be in the center of the Sun, or perceive from somewhere across the galaxy instantly. He could decide to have two or more bodies or to use them in different ways. He could decide to have a new sort of illusion that others could see, hear, touch and feel, but that he can create anywhere he wishes.

Or he could decide to forget all that ( and go back to just wanting a body...)

Now how does this apply to what anyone else might do? What have they decided about themselves, and what have they trained themselves to do? I leave that answer to you as homework.

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