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When visiting any foreign country, study enough about eheir culture to know what is conservative there. Remain conservative and be a polite guest. Help end the Ugly American image.

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Q: What do tourists in China wear?
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Related questions

What do tourists wear in Jerusalem?

There is no dress code for tourists in Jerusalem, they wear what they wish.

Do tourists wear sunglasses?

Yes tourists wear sunglasses. So do many other people

What doe s a tourist wear?

Tourists in the high Himalayas wear parkas and insulated pants. Tourists in Fiji tend to wear less.

Are the tourists local to the great wall of China?

Yes it is possible to have local tourists. However, most tourists will come from abroad.

What can tourists wear to Antarctica?

Tourists are advised by their tour operators to wear very warm clothing in layers. Some operators issue gear to tourists for use during the tour.

Something a tourists would wear over their neck?

A tourist could wear a scarf, necklace, camera, and some tourists wear their jackets over their neck.

What is something tourists might wear around their necks?

Tourists often have a camera around their necks.

Are Tourists Allowed Long Hair In China?

Of course you can have long hair in China. China doesn't have rules like that.

Where would tourists like to visit?

Pakistan China Thailand Italy

What country sends the most tourists to Australia japan china or Africa?


Are there any tourists attractions in china?

There are many tourist attractions in China. The Great Wall and the Tomb of the Soldiers are only two of them.

What do tourists where around their neck?

Some wear scarfs name tag sunglassa