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Individual gall stones can be removed from the gallbladder. If there are too many gall stones, the gallbladder itself must be surgically removed.

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Q: What should I do if I get a gallbladder attack?
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Can you have fever with gallbladder attack?


Can gallbladder attack be confused with a heart attack?

not really because a gallbladder is related to your digestive system and your heart is related to your cardiovascular system

What do you do when you have had your gallbladder removed and are experiencing what feels like a gallbladder attack?

Go to your Primary Care Physician. Your Doctor.

Is it common to burp after a gallbladder attack?

yes very common

Can gallstones go away with a gallbladder attack?

Rupture of the gallbladder is a medical condition in which the gallbladder begins to leak or bursts. Ruptures are most commonly caused by an inflammation of the gallbladder. The most common causes are gall stones, which get stuck inside the gallbladder. Untreated, a ruptured gallbladder can result in an infection in the bloodstream (septicemia). Such an infection can be fatal.

Symptoms of gallbladder attack in stroke patient?

A stroke patient will show the same symptoms of a gallbladder attack as anyone else would. Some symptoms include abdominal pain, heartburn, vomiting, nausea, and fever.

What is upper right shoulder pain and nausea from?

Most likely a gallbladder attack.

What are the telltale symptoms of gallbladder problems?

Gallbladder problems are difficult to detect until an attack occurs. When this happens the person suffering the attack with feel extreme sharp pain in their back between their shoulders, sides, and other parts of the body.

Can you eat pumpkin if you have a bad gallbladder?

You can, pumpkin is fat-free so should not aggrevate a bad gallbladder.

How much water can the gallbladder hold?

More than 400 that's how many i had!!!! And there was no room for it to contract to have an attack so i would say mine had no more room and it was 5 times the size it should have been!

Do lions have a gallbladder?

I should think so? most proberly

What causes symptoms similar to a gallbladder attack?

begins in the abdomen and may radiate to the chest, back, or the area between the shoulders