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Catholics are required to receive Communion once a year between the liturgical time period surrounding Easter.

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to receive holy communion at least once a year between first sunday of lent and trinity sunday

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Q: What does Easter Duty mean for Catholics?
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What does Easter Duty mean?

Catholics are required to receive Holy Communion at least once a year between the First Sunday of Lent and Trinity Sunday. This is basically the liturgical time period surrounding Easter, thus it is called "Easter Duty".

How do Catholics celebrate Easter in Poland?

Catholics in Poland celebrate Easter the same way as any other Catholics, by going to Mass, the Easter Vigil if they can manage it.

How do non-catholics celebrate Easter?

with Easter eggs

What is the color of Easter for catholics?


How do catholics participate in the seasons of Lent and Easter in Public Liturgy?

Catholics participate in the seasons of Lent and Easter by going to church and fasting at lent.

Do only catholics celebrate Easter?

No. Al Christian denominations celebrate Easter.

Can catholics have a party on Easter Monday?

Yes, Catholics may have a party on Easter Monday. They are free to even have a party on Easter Sunday if they have taken care of their obligation to assist at Mass that day.

What do roman catholics do on EAster?

Go to mass.

Do catholics work on Christmas and Easter?

No, Easter is always on a Sunday so it is always off.

Is the Easter vigil a day of holy obligation for Catholics?

No, but Easter is, so you can go to mass at the Vigil and have your Easter obligation fulfilled.

Do Roman Catholics celebrate the Easter bunny?

Definitely not!

Why is Easter celebrated in Poland?

There are a lot of Catholics in Poland.