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it isn't an exact answer it depends on the vagina.

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Q: How is the picture of a 5 months old baby in the womb?
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How old is a premature baby?

a premature baby has no age but can be out of the womb by 7-8 months during pregnancy's

Does a 3months old baby is still a fetus?

A 3 month old embryo is a fetus in the womb but after 3 months of birth it is a baby.

Why is it that when you come out the womb you not nine months?

Because when your in the womb your being created for nine months then when you come out the womb your fully created and you begin your life then that's when your no longer nine months old

How old are babies when they are born?

Babies are typically considered 0 years old when they are born. Some cultures may consider a newborn to be already in their first year of life.

Is possible for a going 3 months old baby in the womb not yet moving?

I'm 15 weeks pregnant. And i haven't feel him/her move yet. I'm so excited to feel him/her. Anyways i think you should feel your baby move by 4 to 5 months. ^^

How old was Chuck Norris when he killed his first baby?

When he was still in his mothers womb.

How old can a baby be?

12 months to 32 months

When does a baby grow arms?

Babies develop arms when they are 7 weeks old in the womb.

How old does the baby get on my baby's first steps?

The baby grows to b 30 months old

Why do babies lose skin when they are born?

In the womb the baby's skin grows and is replaced just as it would be once it is born. However in the womb the baby is bathed in amniotic fluid and the old skin can not flake off. Thus once the baby is born this old skin comes off, it is quite normal and does not hurt the baby.

Why the old term test-tube baby is not accurate?

The old term"test-tube baby" is not accurate because there are no test tubes involved. The egg cells and the sperm cells are combined in a petri dish. Then a zygote is placed in a woman and attaches itself to the womb. The woman carries the baby for nine months, then gives birth normally.

How old is a 6 month baby?

A 6 month baby is six month old