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jure power = legislation ;facto power=justice

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Q: What does de jure and de facto politica power mean?
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De facto equality?

de facto means 'concerning fact' or 'in reality'. So de jure (concerning law) equality would mean equality in law (but not necessarily in fact) and de facto equality would mean equality in practice. A good real life example is race relations in the US. The 1965 Civil Rights Act ended de jure discrimination and inequality in America, but de facto discrimination and inequality persisted.

What does 'de facto capital of the Caliphate' mean?

The English meaning of the Latin phrase 'de facto' is 'in' ['de'] 'fact' ['facto']. So the phrase 'de facto capital of the Caliphate' means the city that in fact serves as the capital city. The English meaning of the Latin phrase 'de jure' is 'in' ['de'] 'law' ['jure']. In this example, the city that the law recognizes as the capital isn't the city that actually fills the role.

What does the Latin expression De facto mean?

De facto means "according to the fact", and refers to a situation as it actually exists, regardless of what the law specifies. The alternative is De jure, "according to the law". A de jure ruler occupies the ruling office or position established by law; a de facto ruler is the one who actually wields the power.

What does de jure mean in English?

De jure translates from Latin to English as, "to law." As an adverb, de jure refers to conditions created by enacted law, as opposed to "de facto," conditions created by social or economic circumstances, but not by law.For example, the US Supreme Court declared de jure racial segregation [enacted laws] unconstitutional, but many inner-city schools suffer de facto segregation because the school district serves an area populated by lower income African-American families.

What does de facto mean in terms of marital status?

If something is de facto it means it is a reality, a fact of life, even if not approved in law (de jure).eg: Kosovo exists as a de facto country because, de jure, it is still part of de jure one cannot park one's car on the pavement but de facto everyone does.

What does politica mean in English?

Enquete politica em BOA VISTA"

What does de jure mean?

De jure is a legal term that means "according to the law". A de jure claim concerns something that may legally be the case, but this says nothing about whether the action or claim is de facto legal, i.e. it can be done.For example, jaywalking is de jure illegal. This means that there are laws forbidding jaywalking. However, those laws are rarely enforced, which is why it is rare to hear of someone fined for jaywalking. Selling heroin is also de jure illegal, but this law is more often enforced.

What does 'De Jure' and 'De facto' mean?

De jure means 'by law', either by a court decision or by legislation. Affirmative action, for example, if ever written into legislation or decided would be an example of de jure discrimination.

What does carpe facto mean?

"Carpe"=Seize "Facto"=Facts "Carpe Facto"="seize the facts"

What does ecso facto mean?

? ipso facto ? because it is true.

What does Je te jure ma cherie mean?

I swear, my dear

What is ex post facoto?

I think you mean ex post facto, which is latin for "after the fact" I think you mean ex post facto, which is latin for "after the fact"