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It is the place that the sociopath wants you in, they want you to rely on them, to care so much that you will do anything. To cater to their every need. They enjoy the power of being one who can control others.

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Q: What does enslavement mean in a relationship with a person you believe to be a sociopath?
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How do you tell someone they are a sociopath?

"You are a sociopath." However, if they truly are, it won't matter to that person.

Does a sociopath's behavior start from childhood?

I believe so, yes. (my sister is a sociopath)

What does a sociopath do if his tactics in romance fail?

It depends on the stage in the relationship. If it's the first couple dates and their tactics fail, they generally will not make the effort to "waste their time" and just move on to the next willing victim. I guess an only exception would be if they really wanted something out of this person (power, money, whatever they can gain) they may put in more effort and become obsessed to the point of stalking. It depends on the person, every sociopath has a different personality and motivation. If it's an established relationship, the sociopath will do everything in their power to stop the relationship from failing to the point of obsession. Threatening phone calls, turning others against their partner, using guilt, manipulation, and lies to stop the relationship from failing. If the partner is strong enough to not fall for it, the sociopath will eventually lose interest and move on to someone else, as they have no real attachment to the person, and pretty much think of them as property.

What do you call a person that is killed in a murder?

A sociopath.

What is a boomerang relationship?

i believe it is when you are in a relationship, then you and the person break up, then you get back together and so on and so on.

What is it called when a person seldom cries?

Apathy? Sociopath?

Person who dislikes company of others?

sociopath ---- Misanthrope.

How do you end a relationship with a sociapath?

It can be dangerous to end a relationship with a sociopath. The best way to do so may be to just go away and leave the person's life. This way you do not put yourself in danger. Leaving and going to a shelter may be the easiest and safest way for you. Once you leave, do not have any contact with the person.

Mental disorder where person displays no remorse or guilt?


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What did Lombroso call a person predisposed to crime?

Criminal sociopath.

What type of person is attracted to a sociopath?

Sincere and nobleminded men is attracted to sadistic sociopath homosexual monstors.Sadistic Sociopath = DNA Monstors(usually RH-), Mind Monstors(sadist) and Sex Monstors(homosexual).