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Dreams use symbols to illustrate ideas. This dream might use the costume of a ballerina to indicate that the guy is "dancing around the issue." A variation of that idea would be "fancy footwork," or clever maneuvering in order to accomplish a possibly shady deal.

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Q: What does it mean to dream about a male in a ballerina skirt?
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what do ballets ware? seriously? I'm just assuming that you mean ballerinas and wear. Ballerina's usually wear a black leotard, pink tights, hair in a bun, and a skirt (optional)

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I think you might mean "Prima" ballerina. She would be the second highest level ballet dancer. Prima Ballerina Assoluta is the highest.

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The skirt

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Your dream expresses your own thoughts and feelings. It does not provide any magical or supernatural insight into what the male is thinking or feeling, nor does it predict any future relationship with this person.

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It can mean "skirt"...but it also can mean: "lottery", "penis" and a "bet". To me, it means a "skirt."

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"Falda" in Spanish means skirt.

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by 'ballerinas' do you mean ballet dancers? ballerina is the title given to only the princable dancer in the company. there are students who are train at a ballet academy or train as apprentices at a professional company. there are soloists, who get to play parts like the 'blue bird' in sleeping beauty which have solo dances. and there are ballerinas, ballerinos (male princables) and prima ballerina. (sometimes there are more then one ballerina in the one company so one dancer is named the prima ballerina. a great honour) hope this answered your question!

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nothing, dreams have essentially zero effect on waking life.

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Wearing Jean skirt at wedding?

If by a Jean skirt you mean a denim skirt it would probably be okay if it is not too short. But I don't recommend it. :)