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This dream suggests that instead of recognizing and dealing with the problems in your life, you tend to look for someone or something to blame, particularly something supernatural. This is a very common way of trying to remove responsibility from yourself. The dream is your mind's way of showing you that this sort of thinking is silly and useless.

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Q: What does it mean when you dream of a Voodoo Lady?
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When was Voodoo Lady EP created?

Voodoo Lady EP was created in 1994.

What does it mean if you dream about a lady watching you sleep?

sleeping in a dream means of your own spirit that are sleeping, and lady in a dream that are watching you sleeping means of opportunity that are waiting upon you woke up...

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You have a fear of heights.

What does it mean if you dream of an old lady telling you it's going to be okay?

This old lady represents your more mature, wiser Self. It is the part of your mind that does not panic, and it is using the dream to urge you to calm yourself.

What does it mean to dream of a lady giving you an address?

Assuming the dreamer finds the lady attractive, this is a wish-fulfillment dream. The subconscious mind produces a fun scenario that allows the dreamer to experience something desired, in the safety of sleep. The dream does not predict any future event, and it reveals nothing about the lady's thoughts or feelings.

Do voodoo mean god in Africa?

Voodoo is a faith, or a belief. It does not mean 'God'. God in the Vodou faith is known as Bondye.

What does a lady in public a vixen in the bedroom mean?

This type of woman is every man's dream come true.

What does flies have to do with voodoo?

Nothing,I mean where did you find that?

Who practises voodoo?

voodooists practice vodoo. people who are serious about voodoo (I mean very serious) are called serviteurs.

What does the black X mean in voodoo?

The black X was used to call demons and evil spirits for help in voodoo rituals

Why does your lady of Czestochowa have 2 scars on her cheek?

In the voodoo religion it is said she was fighting with a mistress for st. Georges her husband

How do you get the voodoo doll in monkey island 2?

The voodoo doll at the start of the game requires a number of items. Visit the voodoo lady first and get the recipe for the doll. Each item can be acquired as follows: Something of the head - Largo's toupee from his hotel room Something of the thread - Largo's bra, procured by dropping a bucket of mud on Largo then using his laundry ticket Something of the body - Paper from the cartographers with largo's spit on it Something of the dead - A bone of Largo's grandfather, dug from the graveyard. Take these items to the voodoo lady and she will make the doll.