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Friend that you see in the dream choking may have something that they need to say to you, but they may be holding it in. This friend may be intimidated by you or is having a hard time expressing themselves... They become "choked -up".

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Q: What does it mean when you dream of a friend choking?
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What does your friend's dream mean?

It is not possible to provide an interpretation without some information about the dream itself. However, because a dream is always about the dreamer, it is safe to say that "your friend's dream" is about "your friend."

What does it mean when you dream a friend and he tells you his sick?

The dream means that something - perhaps a subtle sound, sight or odor, reminded you subconsciously of your friend, and that memory appeared in a dream. It does not necessarily mean that the friend is actually sick. All the same, the dream gives you a fine reason to call your friend.

How do you die from choking?

yes u can my friend passed away from choking.

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take precautions because it can happen in real life too. it will happen if you will do like you have seen in dream. take care of your life.

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The dream merely illustrates your natural affection for your friend. You could use the dream as a fine excuse to get together and have a long chat with your friend.

What does it mean when your friend has a dream about you?

It means you are part of your friend's life. That's a good thing, even if the dream is weird. They usually are.

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It might mean that you are really good friends or that you have a sexual attraction to that friend.

What does it mean when your mom is choking you in you dream?

Dreams exaggerate and over-dramatize ordinary emotions. In this dream, "choking" relates to the throat, breath, and speech. So it refers to your feeling that your mom - or authority in general - is limiting your freedom to speak. Note that the dream illustrates your feeling rather than any actual event, past or future.

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that im going to get with him

What does it mean when guy friend has a relationship with someone in my dream?

you dream about what your worried , exited or thinking about

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Dreams do not mean anything. They are random firings of neurons in the brain.

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A friend will give you apleasurable suprize