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What does it mean when I dream of my crush?Does he like me?Does he miss me?Does he care?Did he want to tell me something but to shy to say?

Panaba's answer:

Hate to burst your hopeful bubble, but usually that means you're a wishful thinker. Hey, that doesn't mean you can't get the guy, but I'm just saying you shouldn't try to make it happen because of a dream. Make it happen because you believe in your heart that it's the right thing to do.

Further question:

what if you don't even think about that person at all then out of the blue your dream changes.forgot about the person long ago bcuz got married. and he is too?but even before i liked him and he was married,which i respected . so i stay away! we were just friends. and sorta now but lost keeping in touch with him bcuz i got married?....

The dream does NOT mean the person is thinking of you. That is a very old, false superstition left over from the pre-scientific ages. Anyone from any point in your past can pop up in dreams because your subconscious mind, which produces dreams, can use anyone or anything in dreams; thinking of that person or thing is not necessary for dreaming.

> Many different things can bring a person into a dream. You may have passed a familiar location associated with that person, heard a song you shared with them or even caught a whiff of a fragrance that is linked to that person. Your subconscious mind can notice such things without your being consciously aware of them.

> Simply dreaming of a person has nothing whatsoever to do with being in love with them - or not. Dreams do not control your emotions in any way. You are responsible for your own choices and behavior.

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11y ago
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14y ago

well that doesnt mean he does. dreams are un realistic but they also are your subconsious. have you ever heard the phrase dreames come true??? im sorry hunny but they rarely do. but if you really like him talk to him over myspace or text him.ohh i do this all the time i ask the guy if they want to play 21 questions and in one of the questions you say something like would you ever date me or do you think im attractive and you can find out some stuff about him too!!

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11y ago

It could mean they're trying to friend-zone you with 'best friend love' or they really deeply mean it and wanted to check your reaction and if you brushed it off as no big deal then it means friend love but if you ask what they meant by it then you cant skip the childish beating around the bush and talk about each others' feelings which can lead to awkwardness and possibly being rejected but its better than false hope, wasted time, and the anxiety caused by always wondering what everything 'means'.

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11y ago

In real life, if they say they like you, they may mean as more than a friend.

... then show dramatic eyes, you know what I mean. If they say they like you with no emotion, they want to be just friends.

In dreams, though, it only means that you want them to like you. It doesn't show your crush's real emotions.

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13y ago

You have a crush on him.

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This is an example of a wish-fulfillment dream. The subconscious mind creates a little story to give the dreamer a happy experience. In some cases it may also be a "what-if" dream, allowing the dreamer to practice responses to a possible scenario. The dreamer's emotions in the dream are important in understanding what the dream means. Was this an exciting, happy experience? Alternatively, perhaps the guy was a creepy stranger? In each case, the meaning of the dream would be somewhat different. However, it would continue to provide an opportunity to experience the situation in the safe context of sleep.

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12y ago

This is a wish-fulfillment dream, with the subconscious mind providing the dreamer with a deeply desired experience, in the safety of sleep. The dream expresses the dreamer's emotions; it does NOT indicate the "crush's" emotions.

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11y ago

The dream reflects your own emotions, and, as you already know, you love them. It is also wish fulfillment, allowing you to experience having that love returned. However, it is only a dream and does not reflect reality or predict the future in any way. Your dreams illustrate your own emotion. They do not provide any information about how that other person feels.

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12y ago

It means that you have a crush on someone. Our dreams reflect how we feel about things in our waking life.

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10y ago

She wants to make sure that you love her

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