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Probation is a constant monitoring of the wear a bouts and activities of an individual rather than having them in prison. Revoked probation means that they violated the trust and have been returned to prison.

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This will be a hearing before a judge to determine if a Persons Probation Should be Revoked.

If the Probation is Revoked the person will likely go to jail.

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Q: What does revoke probation hearing mean?
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What is revoc?

A hearing to revoke a previously suspended sentence, because of a violation of some condition of probation

What is grounds for revoke probation?

if you violate any of your conditions of probation that were set by the judge, it will be enough grounds for the judge to revoke your probation.

Will you go to jail for a motion to revoke on misdemeaors?

It depends on the circumstances. If you are found in violation of the terms of your probation or parole due to a motion to revoke on misdemeanors, you could face consequences such as fines, community service, or imprisonment. However, the severity of the punishment will vary based on the specific details of the case and the judge's ruling.

Can they revoke my juvilne probation Oregon?

Yes - if you violate the terms of that probation.

What happens if you go in on a probation violations and your top date passes while you wait for you revoke hearing?

This question cannot be answered on this venue due to lack of sufficient information. It would best be answered by contacting your Probation Officer and asking.

What happens when you got a Probation Violation?

i've never heard of provoking probation, i assume you mean to revoke probation. Revocation of probation usually occurs when you violate the terms of your release. A common violation is alcohol cumsuptions. Usually you will see a judge in this case and you may possibly have to serve the rest of your time in jail instead of probation if it is a serious enough infraction. Probation is a chance for you to prove to the court you can be better, it is something that is given, therefore can be taken away.

What is revocation hearing?

Sort of a "catch-all" description for a judicial, a non-judicial, or a 'quasi-judicial' hearing at which decisions are made. It could have reference to a DMV hearing at which a decision on your drivers license is being considered - a quasi-judcial hearing at which a decision is gong to be made about revoking your parole/probation, etc.

Will a DUI revoke your probation?

Violating the law at all while on probation usually means six months in jail.

Is it up to the probation officer to revoke you?

no they can not. they can only reccommend it. it is up to the board.

Before the expiration of the probation you get convicted with forcible touching?

Chances are in this case your probation officer would revoke your probation and you would have to serve time in jail.

If you are in jail on a VOP in one county and have another probation that will start in another county when the first is completed can the judge violate or revoke probation in both counties?

There is a very high probability that probation was violated if you are in prison in another area. It is completely legal for a judge to revoke probation for reasons that they see fit to do so for.

Can a judge change your guidelines for probation after sentencing?

Yes. Depending upon the circumstances, he has the options of tightening or relaxing them and even revoking your probation entirely. If any of these happen, you, or your attorney, will be notified of the action and/or given the opportunity to appear at a hearing on the subject.