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black death

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Q: What does the red plague will rid you mean?
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Related questions

How was sea the created?

You mean why did the sea turn red it was a plague read about it in Exodus.

What does a big red x on your door mean?

It means they have the plague, Stay away.

What did the victims of the black death do to soposedly ward of the plague?

they carried posies round with them to get rid of the plague.

How to cure Bubonic Plague?

To cure the Bubonic Plague, you must take antibiotics from a doctor that actually knows how to get rid of it.

How did the great fire of London help the plague?

It helped to get rid of the plague, in many ways including killing a lot of rats. However the plague had died down, by the winter of 1665, meaning that although it helped get rid of the plague for good the plague had already died down by the time of the fire.

How do you get rid of the red ring on your xbox?

How to get rid of the 4 red rings

Is they any good point's from the great fire of London?

Yes it got rid of the plague

What is the most disgusting thing that people might have drunk to get rid of the plague?

In the 14th century (during the bubonic plague) people drunk their own urine twice a day

When you put a frog or toad on your sore does it help get rid of the plague?

No, infact it is likely to cause an infection.

Who wipped themselves and prayed to rid the plague?

A group known as the Flagellants would whip themselves to rid themselves and ward off the plague. They believed that by whipping themselves they were showing God how sorry they were for their sins and that he would forgive them and prevent them from contracting the deadly disease.

What did the masked figure represent in the masque of the red death?

the disease called the red death

What is the difference of the black plague and the red death?

because the red death was a gay man walking around