

What does the root word dur- represent?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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to harden, to hold out

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Q: What does the root word dur- represent?
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"Dur" as in "DURable", means "hard"

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the latin root meaning for cent is a hundered,the latin root for cap is to take seieze or hold,and last is dur wich the latin root is dur wich means hard

What words have the root word dur in them?

It's just a sound effect that is meant to indicate stupidity. Actual stupid people never say it, but in media or in discussions, it implies the given person is stupid. "Dur, how do I eat food dur?" That would be a question like that. But "dur" works on it's own.

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While not a word on its own, "dur" is the root of durable, and it means to last. Other words include endure and duration, both referring to how long something lasts.

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The root word dura means to last. Some words with this root are durable and duration.

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the dur ta dur

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I'm not sure there is a prefix for hard, but "dur" is the root for "to harden"

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103 dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur dur im just kidding but you would be 103

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I cant use the square root symbol so lets use the word "root" to represent square root. The answer would be 4root2