

What does the word Yashua?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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I assume you're asking what Yashua translates to? In English, that would be Jesus.

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What can you do if you feel like you have a call of becoming a pastor?

if you are young, then you should talk to your parents and your pastor. and then you just need to wait and pray. : Pray, ask the Father to direct you. : Test the spirits to be sure they are of G-d. (simply the enemies spirit will never acknowledge Yashua (Jesus) as Messiah.) : Listen to the prompt of the Holy spirit, and start studying.

Why was Jesus name spelled with the letter J?

NO, his Hebrew name is Yashua. the English language at the time of the translation did not contain the letter J in the 1611 KJ the name was Iesus.In short his name is Yashuah in the begining and still is today.There was so much lost to translation errors it is heart breaking.there is much more I would love to share with you. But it would take hours.His name is only one example.Hope this helps,thank you for your intrest.