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He is impressed with Macbeths Bravery on the battlefield

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Brave cousin

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Q: What does duncan mean in Macbeth the play when he says O valiant cousin worthy gentleman?
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What is duncan call Macbeth when he hears Macbeth has defeated macdonwald?

Duncan calls Macbeth "valiant cousin" when he hears he has defeated Macdonwald.

What images do duncan's word in scene 4 conjure up?

In scene 4, Duncan's words conjure up images of trust, loyalty, and admiration towards Macbeth. He refers to Macbeth as a "valiant cousin" and a "worthy gentleman," highlighting his positive perception of Macbeth's character and bravery. These images showcase Duncan's faith in Macbeth as a noble and honorable individual.

Which lines from the passage that Macbeth is honorablecourageousand well liked by his peers?

In Act 1, Scene 2 of Macbeth, the Captain describes Macbeth as "brave Macbeth" and "Bellona's bridegroom," highlighting his courage and honor in battle. Additionally, King Duncan praises Macbeth as a "valiant cousin" and a "worthy gentleman," indicating that he is respected and esteemed by his peers.

What does Duncan call Macbeth when he hears Macbeth defeated Macdonawald?

"cousin", which suggests that Macbeth is somewhere in line for the throne, which would account on how quickly and seriously he took the witches' prophecies to be. he was in line for the throne, in other words, if all the heirs before him dies or are rid off, he would naturally become King. Duncan even said that he owes Macbeth a great deal for the defeat of the traitor Thane of Cawdor, this further leads Macbeth into believing that he might have a chance to be King. However, immediately after this, Duncan establishes his son as the one to succeed. This pushes Macbeth to more extreme methods, which suggests his readiness to commit murder for his ambition.

Who was King Duncan's Cousin?

Macbeth is Duncan's cousin, as in the play duncun say's "o worthiest cousin" to Macbeth in act 1 scene four

Which character is duncans cousin?

Duncan's cousin is Banquo in William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth." They both serve as loyal companions to King Duncan, until their lives become intertwined with Macbeth's rise to power.

Who refers to Macbeth as worthiest cousin?

King Duncan

What was Macbeth's cousin called?

He's called King Duncan.

Is there any links between king Duncan and Macbeth?

Yes, Macbeth is Duncan's first cousin. He is apparently Duncan's nearest male relative, barring his two sons.

Who did lady Macbeth guilt Macbeth into killing?

Lady Macbeth talked Macbeth into killing his cousin, King Duncan of Scotland, who was a guest in his house at the time.

What words did Duncan say to show that he was too trusting in Macbeth?

Duncan calls Macbeth "O worthiest cousin!" and "Noble Macbeth" as signs of his trust and admiration for him. Duncan also says, "There's no art to find the mind's construction in the face," indicating his belief that one's true intentions are not always apparent from outward appearances.

What was Macbeths role in Macbeth?

Macbeth is King Duncan's cousin as well as a general of the king. Later into the play, he becomes king.