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The water level of the oceans, thus exposing a land bridge.

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Q: What dropped during the last ice age allowing people to cross to the Americas?
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What was the greatest city in the Americas during the height of the Aztec culture?

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Although many people think that there was a bridge for that purpose, I doubt there is. If their was a bridge they would have been destroyed and sunken into the ocean. If there is to be one then it would have to go deep into the north pole and back into the Americas.

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Yes they did, in order to go to the Americas they crossed over a land bridge between Russia and Alaska(present day).

How do scientist think people first arived in north America?

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How did people get from Asia to the Americas 50000 years ago?

Walking trough the Being Strait, during the last Ice Age.

Some experts believe there were no people in the Americas until?

until around 15,000 years ago, based on the evidence of the Clovis culture. However, some newer findings suggest that humans could have been present in the Americas earlier than previously thought, possibly as far back as 20,000-30,000 years ago.

What sports did people play during the depression?

Most people played baseball, but attendance dropped during the depression. People turned to inexpensive sports like soccer for recreation and boxing became a popular spectator sport.