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He Hypothesised continential drift which is geographical

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Q: What field of science was wegener knowledgeable?
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Alfred wegener earned his doctorate in what subject?

Earth science Earth science

Why did alfred wegener get interested in earth science?

he wanted to study science because his dad liked science

What is a good field to work in to?

There are many good fields to work in. The best field for an individual would likely be something that they enjoy or are knowledgeable in. Some excellent fields to work in inlcude medicine, science and computers.

Why was wegener's theory of continental drift rejected?

Wegener proposed the continental drift theory, and provided scientific evidences for such, but couldn't explain the mechanism or processes behind the movement of continents. It wasn't until the mid-twentieth century with the discovery of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge that the processes causing plate movements began to be understood and led to the science of plate tectonics. Wegener was also a meteorologist and this was not in his field of science, resulting in skepticism by the establishment geologists of his time.

What did Alfred Wegener use support his theory?

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When Alfred Wegener studied earth science he later studied what subject?


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Did Alfred wegener use technology?

The ascertations that Alfred Wegener posed with his Continental Drift theory pre-dated the technology necessary to prove his vision. In 1968 the new science of plate tectonics supported Wegener's theory.

What technology did Alfred Wegener use?

The ascertations that Alfred Wegener posed with his Continental Drift theory pre-dated the technology necessary to prove his vision. In 1968 the new science of plate tectonics supported Wegener's theory.

What is the name of the field of science?

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versatility of computers in the field of science

Alfred wegener was a German geologist but he was also accomplished in what other science how is this related to science?

Alfred wegener was also accomplished in meteorology, however this eventually led to his death, for Alfred froze to death bringing supplies to a team of metorologists working hard somewhere in the north.