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There was a documentary from 1928 called "Wild Wool".

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Q: What film would answer the clue 'A Ripping Yarn' and be two words of four letters each?
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How many words can you make with therse letters ncroay?

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How many 4 letter words can you have from the letters in the word JANUARY?

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Um... I think your talking about wool. It has four letters and comes from sheep. :D

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There are a number of words that can be made from the letters provided. Some examples are crayon, rayon, corny, acorn, yarn, corn, and cyan

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When you unscramble the letters mmanrya you get rammy, mayan and amman. There is not a single word that uses all seven letters that were given. Additional words that can be made from those letters include ray, yarn, Mary, and ran.

What are the Esperanto words for wool and yarn?

The Esperanto words for wool and yarn are lano and fadenoj.

What are all the words you can make from the letters A C O N R Y?

Crayon Acorn Corn Corny Yarn Can Ran An Any Roan Nor

What is difference between texred yarn and micro yarn?

Textured yarn has for lack of better words a texture like confettie, eyelash, or fiber look to it. Micro yarn is very thin yarn.

How many times can you rip yarn out of a project before it becomes unusable?

The number of times a yarn can be ripped out will depend on the texture and weight of the yarn, and the tightness of the stitches. Smooth yarn that has been knit or crocheted in a loose pattern can take a lot of activity, but yarns with a lot of texture tend to stick to themselves - increasing the challenge of ripping out. To keep ripping out to a minimum, consider adding lifelines as reference to a project. As you complete a section of the pattern, sew in a line of contrasting thread across a row to mark a completed section. That way, if you do spot an error that cannot be fixed by another method, you can rip out without going into completed stitches.

How do you crochet letters onto a single crochet afghan?

The only way I know to crochet letters onto an already completed afghan would be to use surface stitching. Another method, which is not crochet but which would give a very nice look, would be to cross-stitch them on. This can be done on single crochet or tunisian crochet (afghan stitch). Another way to get letters on an afghan would be to crochet strands of chains or single crochet strips and shape them into the letters needed, then attach them to the ghan. That would give a 3-D effect.