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Israeli Citizens primarily vote for Knesset (Parliament) members, but they also vote for local mayors and regional leadership.

The positions of Prime Minister and President are appointed by the President and Knesset respectively.

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They vote for the same things that all democratic countries vote for.

Answer 2

This question, as posed, is unanswerable in any meaningful way. Israel (in its history of 64 years) has had over 35 political parties (of significance) that have run different campaigns in different districts in different time-periods. Israeli voters are also not one monolithic bloc (otherwise there would not be so many parties) and arguments which may hold sway over one group of voters would be strongly repulsive or irrelevant to another group.

Like any other democratic country, Israeli politicians represent the hopes, dreams, goals, and ideals of the people who voted them into power. The most common "argument" between Conservatives and Liberals in Israel is over how to make peace most effectively with Arab countries. Liberals are known to embrace the land for peace stance and Conservatives are known to place an emphasis on peace first and then land.

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