

What habitat does the blue whale live?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Blue Whales can be found in almost every sea and ocean in the world. They were the most widely spread whale species until Man started hunting them down. They were once in numbers of around 200,000 or more and now there are only 20,000 or so animals left in the wild.

They can be found in areas that are abundant in "Krill" their favorite prey species.

They don't live in family groups. They are solitary animals. They are known to be along one or two individuals at most and that too only for short periods of time.

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Q: What habitat does the blue whale live?
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Sea water, packed with krill.

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Yes, Blue whales live in the Oceans

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A blue whale can live about 80 years.A blue whale can live about 80 years.individual blue whales have been observed to live for around 40 years but it is estimated that they could live for up to 80 years.

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