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The Quinceañera celebration commemorates the transition of a 15 year old girl from childhood to young womanhood. When a Latina turns fifteen, she takes part in a tradition that goes back hundreds of years, and many of the gifts and specific elements of the celebration are designed to reflect that tradition. Also referred to as a Quince or Quince (XV) Años, the Fiesta Quinceanera is also a celebration of religious values, family virtues, social responsibility, and a salute to Latin heritage.

In recognition of all those combined elements, a Quinceanera celebration has a very formal schedule with specific duties assigned to different people in the Quinceanera's family and social circles. Since the festival and the birthday girl can both be referred to as Quinceanera, we'll use the term 'Quince' for the festival and reserve Quinceanera for the young woman.

Individual elements of the celebration can vary from one Latin American country to another, but we will focus on the shared elements. The celebration traditionally begins with a church ceremony (usually a formal mass) followed by a reception in the family home or in a banquet hall. Depending on the numbers of the extended family and friends (often hundreds of people), a Quince celebration has to be planned with the same degree of organization as a movie star wedding. Many families choose to divide-up the catering among different family members; others choose to hire a caterer for the event.


Once a guest list has been created, those guests must receive a formal invitation to the event. The Quinceanera traditionally asks two family members (aunts, uncles) to be her Padrinos or godparents. The Padrinos agree to not only host the Quince celebration, but also to advise and support the Quinceanera in the future as she continues her journey to adulthood. With the increasing cost of a Quince event these days, many young Latinas will now request the participation of a committee of Padrinos to help manage the expenses.

The invitations are typically engraved and delivered by hand by the Quinceanera herself as a sign of respect for the significance of the event. Only far-off family and friends should receive mailed invitations.

Invited guests can contribute to or 'sponsor' specific elements of the event (dress, cake, limousine, flowers, food, etc.) or select from a range of traditional gifts for the Quinceanera.


As with any formal event, the Quinceañera's dress will be a critical choice as she will be the center of attention for the entire celebration event. Pastel colors such as pale pink or blue are popular, as is white. Some choose to build their event around a theme and dress accordingly.


The Quinceanera is accompanied on her special day by her Corte de Honor or "court of honor". Traditionally made up of the birthday girl's closest friends, the Corte will often number fourteen young women (her Damas, meaning 'ladies') and fourteen young men (the Chambelanes, meaning 'lords'). With the Quinceanera at the head of the court, the symbolic number of fifteen is reached. The Quinceanera will also ask a young man to be her escort for the entire event - her acompañante. There is a formal dress code for all members of the court - pastel gowns for the young ladies, and rented tuxedos for the young lords. The Quinceanera selects the color of the gowns for her Damas - typically in line with an overall color theme for the celebration. The Corte will get to show off their fine clothes at the event - traditional Quince celebrations include choreographed dances in the evening.


Limousines traditionally transport the Quinceanera and her Damas. The Chambelanes travel in their own cars or with family members.


La Misa de Acción de Gracias Quinceañera - a Mass of Thanksgiving - celebrates the God-given gift of the Quinceanera's life and represents a public reaffirmation of her values and beliefs in her family, her community, her Latin Heritage, and her religious faith. The Mass is the first formal event of a day (and usually night) of celebration of the Quinceanera's transition from childhood to young womanhood.


Immediately following the recognition of faith and cultural heritage in the Mass comes the party - the Fiesta. Here too, there are several customary components that reflect the long history behind the Quinceanera tradition:

  • The 'last dance' between the Quinceanera and her father, which traditionally concludes with
  • The exchange of shoes, where the Latina's father will swap her satin slippers for more grown-up high-heeled shoes to signify her new maturity.
  • Many toasts from family members and friends to the health and happiness of the Quinceanera.
  • The Traditional Waltz (Vahls) performed by the Corte de Honor (who have probably been rehearsing for weeks).
  • The ceremonial cutting of the Quinceanera Cake.
  • The gift of mementos (recuerdos) to all the guests attending the Quince celebration.
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