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Q: What happens if the air gets warmer than the air above it?
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What happens when daytime is longer than nighttime?

It gets warmer.

What happens when Yeast is to hot or to cold?

When yeast gets warmer than normal then the cells split or divide a lot quicker than usual. If the yeast gets colder than usual than they split slower. from sexy mama

What happens to snowflakes that fall through air that is warmer than 0 degree Celsius?

You dont have snow flakes at degrees above 0, because then it is not snow, but rain

What happens to water when heat is added?

When heat is added to water the molecules move faster and faster until the water reaches it's boiling point and starts to vaporize.

Why does sand gets warmer than dirt?

sand because dirt has water in it but sand does not

When is the eastern Pacific warmer then normal?

When a weather phenomenon called El Nino happens, the eastern Pacific is warmer than normal.

Why is the sand warmer than water during the day?

the sand is warmer than water in day because the sands are compacted together, it easily gets the heat of the sun through out of it

How does unequal heating during the day produce a sea breeze?

Land gets hotter than water. So air above land gets warmer. Warm air rises. Denser air from the sea moves into area with "less" air.

Is Mexico always warm?

It isn't always warm in Mexico. Some parts of Mexico are warmer than others. That's because if you go down it gets warmer and as you go up it gets cooler.

What gets warmer sand or soil?

the answer is the sand because the sand get warmer than the soil but you need thing the sand,soil,thermometor,clock andsun

What is localized convective lifting?

When warmer air rises so when a localized surface is warmer than its surroundings, the air above that surface is warmer and will also rise. This also makes clouds.

Why is coneyisland always warmer in the winter than Fort Greene?

because th water in the ocean in coney island gets much warmer in the winter then summer