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It depends on the frequency of the waves. Are we assuming here that one wave is acting as destructive interference to another wave?. If they have the same frequency, then the amplitudes should combine to produce a wave with a smaller amplitude than the original (two?) waves. Otherwise your results will vary.

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Jimmy Mueller

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Q: What happens when destructive interference occurs between wave with different amplitudE?
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What happens when destuctive interference occurs between waves with different amplitudes?

Destructive interference lowers the amplitude, the lowest amplitude will be the difference between the two waves.

What is The interaction between waves that meet is?

Interference. This can result in either constructive interference, resulting in increased amplitude, or destructive interference, whereby there would a reduced amplitude.

How is constructive interference different from destructive?

In physics, interference is a phenomenon in which two waves superpose to form a resultant wave of greater or lower amplitude. Constructive interference occurs when the phase difference between the waves is a multiple of 2pi, whereas destructive interference occurs when the difference is an odd multiple of pi.

What is the interaction between two waves that meet?

Interference. This can result in either constructive interference, resulting in increased amplitude, or destructive interference, whereby there would a reduced amplitude.

What is it called when a combined wave has a smaller amplitude than the original waves?

If the resulting amplitude is smaller, then it's "destructive interference".If the resulting amplitude is larger, then it's "constructive interference".Looks like the name you give it depends on which wave you're more interested in.When a large wave and a small wave interfere, the resulting amplitude can belarger than either one, smaller than either one, or midway between them.If the resulting amplitude is midway between the individual amplitudes, and youwere using the larger one to communicate with, then from your point of view, theinterference is destructive. If you were more interested in the smaller one, thenas far as you're concerned the same interference is constructive.

What happens when destructive interference between waves with different amplitudes?

It depends on the frequency of the waves. Are we assuming here that one wave is acting as destructive interference to another wave?. If they have the same frequency, then the amplitudes should combine to produce a wave with a smaller amplitude than the original (two?) waves. Otherwise your results will vary.

What happens when two waves encounter one another in destructive interference?

Destructive interference happens when the crest of one wave and the troughs of another wave overlap. The new wave has a smaller amplitude than the original waves had. When the waves involved in destructive interference have the same amplitude and meet each other at just the right time, the result is no wave at all.

Distinguish between constructive interference and destructive interference?

Constructive interferences occur when two waves combine (add up) by the superpostition principle. Destructive interferences occur when the crest of one wave interferes with the trough of another. Amplitudes are subtracted.

What is the difference between constructive and destructive interference?

Interference is constructive if the phase difference is zero degrees and destructive if the phase difference is 180 degrees.

The loudness of a sound is a reflection of its?

The "loudness" with which you perceive a sound is determined by -- the amplitude of the sound as it leaves the source -- the distance between you and the source -- obstacles or absorptive media in the path between the source and your ear -- reflective surfaces near the path, leading to multipath interference, constructive or destructive at the frequencies that comprise the sound -- the relative amplitude response of your ear at the frequencies that comprise the sound.

Constructive interference results in a wave with a?

It results in a wave with an amplitude which is equal to the sum of the amplitudes of the waves passing at that point.

What occurs when two or more waves overlap and combine?

They superpose. Energy of the waves are redistributed to form a resultant wave with amplitude given by the summation of individual wave's amplitude. If the two waves are of same frequency, speed and amplitude and travelling in opposite direction den stationary waves are form.