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you will have to complete highschool, then go on to university and take medical science studies.

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Q: What high school science classes do you have to take to be a radiologist?
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What education is needed in both high school and college to be a radiologist?

To become a radiologist, It is important to do well in high school. A general knowledge base of advance maths and science courses which you can build upon in college will be of value. In college there will be a prescribe course of classes that must be mastered to earn the title of radiologist.

What kind of classes would you need to take in high school and college to become a radiologist tech?

The high school math requirements for most colleges are algebra, geometry, and trigonometry

What classes do you take in high school for an animal science major?

Every high school is different. I don't know if there are any specific classes that you need to take. Not all high school's offer courses for animal science.

What classes are required to be a radiologist?

College (4 years), Medical School (4 years), Residency (4 years). Total of 12 years after high school

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Im starting high school next year. What classes should I take through-out high school to become a Diagnostician that specializes in infectious and auto immune diseases?

Science classes are your ticket. Science and history. Take science classes like Biology, Chemistry, Zoology, especially Anatomy. If the school offers a science honor society, be sure to try to be accepted to that.

What high school classes will prepare you for animal science?

biology, the study of life

What classes are required to become a radiologic technologist?

To become a radiologist there aren't really any classes in high school that one needs to take. However, it would be a good idea to take classes that would make the required ones in college a lot easier. But to my understanding high schools already have a certain amount of credits required to graduate. So, really there isn't much of a choice in the matter of what to take - except for the extracurricular classes. I would suggest taking, if the school has it, AP Biology and AP Chemistry as well as Anatomy. Really any science that would be needed for college. And of course, taking the AP classes will get a person credit in college, and with enough one can start out as a sophomore.

What classes should you take in high school if you want to be a lawyer?

Public speaking, debate team, political science (if your high school has it).

What classes to take in high school for pathology?

take as many science classes as possible and if your school has a science club be sure to join it because the teacher will go a little deeper than he will in class

What specific high school classes does a pediatrician needs?

There is nothing specific to being a pediatrician that you need to take in high school, but you do need to do well in all of your life science classes and chemistry.

What classes do high school students take?

High school students classes are: Math Biology Chemistry Science History Geometry Social Studies Algebra Literature77 K-Prep