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It's not illegal to *date* (assuming your parents are okay with it, because they get to decide who you're allowed to spend time with). It is illegal to have sexual contact (which is not limited merely to intercourse), and it was illegal to do that even before he turned 18.

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Q: What if you are a 14 year old female dating a 17 year old male when he turns 18 will it be illegal for us to still date if we live in Florida?
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Still illegal, but hopefully not for long :)

If you are 18 and am a female and am dating a 16 year old male and both of your parents are okay with it is still considered illegal?

If you're in the US, there are no laws regarding dating in any state. There are, however, laws regarding sexual contact. They're different things.

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Yes it is. Depending on the state, if your boyfriend was 17 it is still illegal to date.

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Medical marijuana is legal in Florida for qualifying patients with a physician's recommendation. However, recreational use is still illegal.

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he crime is called miscegenation and it is still on the books in several states

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I think it's illegal, and you can be prosecuted for the offense. But you can still ask the ministry.

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In Florida, the age of consent is 18, so it is illegal for a 16-year-old to date a 20-year-old. Any sexual activity between them could potentially result in criminal charges. It's important to consider the legal implications and power dynamics in relationships with significant age differences.

In Florida if a female is 18 years old and still going to high school can she move out of her parents' house?

yes she can no matter what she is still 18

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No it is not illegal because both of you are still minors and there are no specific dating laws.

Is marijuana legal in Florida?

What are you smokin'? Marijuana? It's illegal here in Miami Beach! No, I'm smoking bay leaves here in Flour-ida.

Is headlight tint illegal in Florida?

It's illegal in all states... I don't know why they would sell it in pre-cut packs. I'd still do it anyway because it looks AMAZING!

Is it possible for an illegal female to marry a male to female transsexual who hasn't changed her birth certificate and how?

If the male to female transsexual is still legally male and not yet legally female then yes. You'd marry the same way a man and woman would as long as the other person is still legally male.