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In the Catholic Church baptisms should always be performed by a priest. But in extreme circumstances, the laity can baptize with 2 stipulations:

1. The Use of Water

2. Must do it in "the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit" (they must say those words).

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Q: What is Essential for valid baptism absent of priest?
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Can a child not baptized Catholic make First Communion and reconciliation when being raised Catholic?

Roman Catholic AnswerYou need to speak with your priest. Normally, if the baptism in a protestant church was valid, then they do not have to be baptised Catholic before receiving the sacraments. If there is some doubt as to whether or not it was valid, then the priest will arrange for a conditional baptism: "If you are not already baptised, I baptise you in the name ...."

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In most churches baptisms are perfomed by the priest, minister or recognised church leader. However, in an emergency (such as someone wanting to be baptised on their death bed with no minister available) anyone who is themselves baptised can baptise another person. The words used would simply be " <Name> , I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen." and water would be sprinkled on the person three times at each person of the Trinity. This baptism would be as valid as any baptism in a Church, conducted by a priest.

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If you are referring to Baptism, Catholics most definitely do NOT "sprinkle", they either immerse in water or POUR water three times over the head. If the water does not actually run on the head they do not consider that a baptism. I was "sprinkled" in the Methodist Church as an infant. I converted as a teenager and went to the seminary to study to be a priest. The priest who was teaching us about baptism said specifically that you could not sprinkle as the protestants do, or it wouldn't be a valid baptism. I put my hand up and asked about my Methodist baptism as an infant, only to find myself hustled over to the nearest parish later in the day and a proper baptism done!

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Yes. While the catholic church recognizes the Baptism as valid it does not recognize the Confirmation as valid, since it requires administration by a priest having received the valid sacrament of holy orders. While the Catholic Church and Episcopal Church are close in tradition and both have seven sacraments, only Baptism is considered as valid.

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yes, you have to be baptized in a catholic church in order to be catholicRoman Catholic AnswerNo, you must be baptized or received into the Church by a priest, if you have received Baptism previously in a protestant denomination and it is valid. If they are not sure of the validity of it, they will conditionally baptize you.

Why does the Catholic church not consider the Anglican sacraments to be valid?

Because they do not have a valid priesthood with which to celebrate the sacraments. However, their baptism is valid. For a complete answer, read the pope's indictment of Anglican Orders below.

Is absolution for a Catholic valid if obtained in a Lutheran Church?

The Lutheran Church does not offer absolution. They have no sacrament of reconciliation. As the Lutheran Church has no valid Orders (Priesthood), they have no valid sacraments except Baptism.

What is a valid baptism?

Baptism is valid when the individual being baptized has repented of his/her sins, has confessed that Christ is the Son of God and is fully immersed in water. The person doing the baptizing announces, as the individual goes down into the water that he "baptize you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost." As the individual rises out of the water it is as if he is born again, coming up a new person, his old sins washed away and the Holy Spirit enters his soul. And now why delay? Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord (Acts 22:16).

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