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Hawthorne's purpose for writhing The Scarlet letter was to expose hypocrisy in the Puritan way of life. And show that human beings can be very misunderstood on the surface of a ragid society, and can be made to suffer, but strangely the suffering ends out to be felt more by one whose silence is to hide behide a facade than by one whose silence is to show self-esteem, love, and strength of character.

=> Puritanism, in what i think in Hawthorne's view, wasn't a good spiritual path to follow, as it led to unjustified outrage and ridiculoous punishment, and not always against the right person!

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Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote The Scarlet Letter to explore themes of sin, guilt, and redemption in Puritan society. He wanted to critique the harsh judgment and hypocrisy of the society while also delving into the complexities of human nature and the effects of secrets and shame on individuals. Hawthorne sought to examine the consequences of societal expectations and the struggle between one's personal desires and societal norms.

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